Dear Abby:

I am a very attractive 20-year-old girl, and I've never had a boyfriend. I've had many dates, but nothing has ever come of them because the guys always seem to want something in the end.

My girlfriends tell me that if I were to give a guy a few kisses, it wouldn't hurt me, but I've tried that, and they are all over you in no time. Then you have a big fight on your hands.

Also, why does a girl have to give a guy a reason for refusing to go to bed with him? I am tired of trying to explain that there is nothing wrong with me. (One guy offered me a chance to prove to myself that I wasn't a lesbian. How's that for a novel approach?)

So how do I get a decent guy who just wants good company? I'm not about to give up


Dear Abby

what I'm saving for my wedding night until I'm sure there's going to be a wedding.

Dear Saving:

Saving Myself

You can get a decent guy by being yourself. Don't lower your standards. • Chicago Tribune